Klutch Cannabis buds in repeated pattern

Get In Touch

Contact Us


Are you Hiring?

Klutch is growing rapidly, and tending a garden this size takes a village! Whenever we have an immediate need, we try to post openings on sites like Indeed and LinkedIn. However, if you are interested in working with us and can’t find a job posting, we encourage you to submit a resume and cover letter through our contact form. We review every resume we receive. and our HR Team will reach out if we think we have an opening that would be a good fit for you.

Where can I learn more about becoming a Patient in the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program?

Head on over to https://MedicalMarijuana.Ohio.gov/Patients-Caregivers! We look forward to serving you!

Do you have your own dispensaries?

We do, and we’d love to meet you! Head on over to www.CitizenbyKlutch.com for more information!

Can I get a shirt or hat?

Current Program Rules prohibit us from distributing or selling wearable swag. However, we do have other approved items that are available at Patient Education Days. Reach out to your favorite dispensary to see when we’ll be in town!

What are Klutch's official methods of communication?

We communicate through our social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, our website, our Feedback and Marketing emails, and through direct quotes by our communications team in the media. If you heard something through another source, it probably isn’t accurate. Please note, current Program Rules prohibit us from interacting with patients publicly on social media, including responding to comments. If you have a question, please send us a direct message to the account of your choosing or through the comment form above, and someone will be in touch as soon as possible!

I noticed some of your strain names are abbreviated, use apostrophes, or seem different than in other states. Why?

As a state-licensed operator, Klutch Cannabis is committed to abiding by state rules and policies with regards to strain and product names. If a strain name appears differently than what you’re used to seeing, uses apostrophes, or is abbreviated, these changes have been made to maintain compliance with the Ohio Medical Marijuana Program.

I have a product question, comment, or concern. What do I do?

The vast majority of the people who work at Klutch Cannabis are Medical Marijuana Patients, and we pride ourselves on making and selling the kind of products that we would want to consume. If you have a question, comment, or concern related to one of our products, please use the contact form above, and our Customer Service Team will take it from there!

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